Microsoft Anti-Virus Signature Update - September 1995 ------------------------------------------------------ *Signature File Update Information for the MS-DOS 6.X Anti-Virus Program* This update works with MS-DOS 6.X Anti-Virus Program V1.0 or later. Due to an increase in polymorphic viruses, this signature update includes an updated executable file MSAV.EXE. The executable file has been updated for detection and removal of the new polymorphic viruses. No new features have been added. To update your version of the MS-DOS 6.X Anti-Virus Program, follow these steps: 1. Copy the self-extracting archive file DOSAV.EXE to a temporary directory on your hard drive. 2. Run DOSAV.EXE to extract the update files, UPDATE.EXE, MSAV.UDT, MSAVIRUS.LST, VIRSIGS.MS, VIRSIGS.CPS and README.TXT. 3. From the temporary directory run UPDATE. Update asks where your current version of MSAV exists. Type the path name (example, C:\DOS). The files in the current working MSAV directory will be updated automatically. In the process of updating your current copy of MSAV, the old MSAV.EXE is renamed to the filename MSAV.OLD. 4. Run the MS-DOS 6.X Anti-Virus Program.